Student Code of Conduct
At Express English College everyone has the right to feel safe and secure at the College, in their accommodation as well as being out and about. This code of conduct has been written to ensure that everyone understands their responsibilities to ensure that EEC is a happy, safe and secure environment.
Duty of Care
EEC has a duty of care to its students and staff to ensure that they do not come to any harm. Staff also have a duty of care to each other and to the studnts. We have rules in place that students and staff must follow to ensure that everyone is can study and work in a safe and secure environment. We expect all students and staff to follow these rules.
Behaviour towards other people
All staff are expected to act professionaly at all times. We also ask all students to treat other students and staff in a kind and courteous manner. The basic rule is to treat others how you want to be treated yourself.
We ask you not to shout at other people or use rude or aggressive language. If you have a problem with another person you must talk about it calmly.
Everyone is treated equally in the UK. We cannot treat someone differently because of their gender, race, nationality, religion, sexuality, or ability. We expect all our students to treat everyone equally.
Position of Trust
All staff members are in a position of trust. That means there are certain things that staff cannot do with students. Staff are not allowed to be in a romantic relationship with any student under the age of 21, or even meet them alone outside of the College. No personal emails or phone numbers should be shared between students and staff.
Your belongings
The college cannot accept responsibility for items stolen or damaged in the school. Look after your belongings. Please don’t leave valuable items, such as money or mobile phones, lying around. If you find something that belongs to another person give it to reception.
Please be on time for all your lessons. We don’t want you to miss any part of your lessons. If you are late it will disrupt your classmates. If you have a good reason not to come to class (for example if you are sick) you must tell us. Call or email the College. Please take an active part in lessons and any Social Programme activities. The course will be at its most enjoyable if you try your best.
Speak English
We want you to speak English as much as possible, because this helps you to improve your communication skills. Speaking English in class and during Social Program activities is especially important. Speaking your own language excludes people who can’t speak it.
Dress and Appearance
There are rules for what staff are and aren’t allowed to wear at work. We do not have a rule for what you can and can’t wear at school, but do not allow students to wear anything that might cause offence to anyone else. For example, items of clothing that contain rude or offensive words or images are not allowed. If you wear something like that to College, we will ask you to go home and change into something more appropriate.
Wear your badge at all times. All staff and students must wear a badge (lanyard) with their student or staff ID. Visitors to the College are given a special visitor’s badge. If you see someone in the College without a badge, please tell any member of staff.
Gifts and favoritism
Staff are not allowed to accept gifts from students personally. If a staff member has been particularly helpful to you and you wish to show appreciation by given them a small gift, then please take it to reception.
Communication with staff
Staff are not permitted to communicate with students using their own phone numbers, email or social media accounts. We ask students to only communicate with staff using the college email/phone or face to face.
We encourage students to use their mobile phone or tablet to help them to learn English. Teachers may ask you to use it for a specific purpose in class. However, please do not use it for making calls or doing anything not connected to the lesson during class time. Students are not allowed to audio record or video any lessons under any circumstances.
Physical contact
We ask students not to have any physical contact with staff, such as hugging or kissing. We understand that this may be acceptable in your country but in a workplace in the UK this is not normally acceptable. Please do not touch any other student without their permission. In some cultures people may only touch each other if they are in a close relationship.
Internet use
Before you are allowed to use the Internet at the College, including on your own device, you must sign the E-safety agreement section in the induction form, which we give you on your first day. By signing this document, you agree not to access any websites or apps that contain offensive, racist, extremist or pornographic content.
Please ask permission before taking pictures of anyone.
Alcohol/smoking and drugs
You are not allowed to bring alcohol onto the College premises or come to College under the influence of alcohol. If you are under 18 you are not allowed to buy cigarettes, tobacco products or e-cigarettes in the UK. We also do not allow you to use these products at the College if you are under 18. Illegal drugs are a serious matter and we must call the police if we learn that you have brought illegal drugs onto the College premises including our residences.
Don’t break the law
Stealing or shoplifting can get you into serious trouble with the police as well as being morally wrong. We will ask you to leave the College if you are caught stealing.
Don’t bring any knives to the College
The UK has very strict rules on knives and other weapons. The police can often stop and search people if they suspect this. Please do not carry any knives, including small ones. If the police search you and find a knife, you will be in serious trouble. This normally mean a prison term in the UK.
Chewing gum and litter
We need to keep the college clean. Disposing of chewing gum, can be messy, so that is why chewing gum isn’t allowed. Please use the bins provided for all rubbish. If you drop litter, including cigarette ends, in the street you may have to pay an £80 penalty.
Anti-social behaviour
Examples of anti-social behaviour are; shouting in areas where you should be quiet, running in crowded areas, standing in large groups in the street. Rules and laws are there for everyone’s safety. Students who break the law, do not obey College rules, who repeatedly misbehave, do not follow instructions from College staff or otherwise disrupt or adversely affect the smooth running of the College may be asked to leave the College.
Be careful not to endanger others or yourself. Your safety is our most important priority. Sometimes something might not appear dangerous, but our staff are trained to know what can cause you or other students harm, so please listen to staff members. Please report it and do not try to sort out the problem yourself.
Fire Safety
If you see a fire, please sound the alarm. If you hear the fire alarm, please go directly to the fire meeting point which you will be shown on your first day. Do not leave the fire meeting point until you are told it’s ok to do so.
If you’re staying in a student house, you’ll get a copy of the house rules. Please read and understand them before signing. If you’re in a homestay, respect your host’s house rules.
Talk to us
Please talk to us if you have a problem with anything. If you aren’t happy with something at the College or in your accommodation, please tell us as soon as possible. If someone makes you feel uncomfortable it’s very important that you speak to a member of staff immediately.
Living in Britain and Staying Safe
If there is an emergency that a member of staff is unable to deal with, the telephone number for the police, fire brigade or ambulance service is 999. The common European emergency number 112 is also used in the UK, so you can use either.
Please note that our habits and rules in Britain may be different to those in your own country.
Always remember to:
• Be polite and join queues.
• Put your rubbish in a bin.
• Do not block paths or walkways.
• Do not cross roads unless it is safe to do so. Use designated crossing points wherever possible.
• Do not be loud and shout when you are in public places unless there is an emergency.
• Always say “hello”, “goodbye”, “please” and “thank you”.
• Treat everyone equally.
Review: Reviewed October 2023 (AA). This document to be reviewed by the Management Team not less than every six months. Next review due June 2024. It will be subject to any changes based on UK law.