Health and Safety Policy
Express English College views the health and safety of students, staff, visitors and other users, as one of the most crucial in our aim to deliver high quality English language education. It is our duty to do our upmost to protect all participants in the life of the college, and to maximize their health, wellbeing and happiness whilst accessing the college.
Express English College undertakes well-organised, well-established risk assessments, routines, practices and reporting in order to ensure the health & safety of all present at our premises. The college provides the necessary resources, establishes and reinforces positive and clear communication between all staff, and complies with all legal requirements, to maximise the effective roll out of health and safety procedures.
Express English College aims to promote health and safety, and absolutely minimize accident and incident, as well as poor working practices, on the premises by:
– Providing effective control of potential and actual health and safety risks arising from our work (such as conducting and updating risk assessments, and undertaking mandatory checks);
– Equipping students and staff with relevant and up-to-date information, support and targeted training/supervision related to health and safety, and by explaining and exploring their part in maintaining it;
– Working to prevent accidents and work-related ill health;
– Maintaining sustainably safe and on-going healthy working conditions;
– Evaluating this policy – and all related procedures – in a timely manner, and reviewing this policy every 6 months, at a minimum.
Welfare Officer: Tracy
DSL: Ayub
DDSL: Edward
Fire Marshal and First Aid: Ayub/Gabi
Reviewing Health and Safety Policy and Procedures:
Express English College has a clear, designated leadership structure in place for our Health and Safety policy. We also believe in the ethos of taking shared responsibility for our health and safety, and of fostering a culture of care, concern, and wellness amongst staff and students.
Instructions for Students:
Take basic steps to ensure your own wellbeing and physical safety and the health and safety of others, such as avoiding crowding in the corridor or other small places, pushing past each other, being careful on the stairs, dealing with hot (and cold) drinks, respecting each other’s personal space in the student room, turning off unused computers, and helping to keep your classroom clean and tidy, etc.
2. Fire Evacuation Procedure
Evacuation procedures at Express English College are clearly displayed on our screens and will be shown to you during your induction. In the event of fire:
– If you discover a fire, raise the alarm immediately by breaking the glass on the small red alarm boxes.
– If the fire alarm rings, leave the college calmly. Your teacher or other staff member will supervise you. Do not run, or push. Leave your personal items such as bags and coats in your room. Do not attempt to fight the fire or delay leaving the building.
– Stay at the Fire Assembly Point until you are told to return by Ayub/Gabi, who is the Fire Marshal.
– Always cooperate fully with staff when evacuating the premises during a fire drill (a test) or in the event of a fire. They know what to do.
– Please take note of the signage around the premises so you are fully informed.
3. Accidents
Report any accident/incident (even a small one) to the nearest staff member – don’t worry about whose ‘fault’ it might be or why/how it happened, just let someone know!
Accidents: In the event of an accident or injury you should inform the welfare officer/Operations Manager who will record it in the EEC Accident Logbook.
Please note: First aid facilities are available at the Express English College reception desk and in the first and second floor of the building.
4. First Aid
The Operations Manager (Ayub)/Administration Officer (Gabi) oversees First Aid arrangements and will contact the emergency services if required.
5. Emergencies outside of college time:
In case of emergency, dial 999 and ask for Police, Fire or Ambulance. This service is free.
If you have an accident and need an ambulance, dial 999. If you do not need an ambulance, you can go to the Accident and Emergency Department at the Royal Manchester Hospital.
In the event of emergency during college time (class; breaks; activities/trips/visits): Please refer to the college Emergency Policy.
6. Risk Assessments
When student groups go on trips and visits, The teacher/Activity Leader conducts and completes a detailed risk assessment, which must be signed off as suitable for all aspects of the trip or visit by Academic Manager/Welfare Officer
7. Smoking
Smoking is illegal under the age of 18.
Smoking is forbidden in any enclosed workplace, public building or public transport in the United Kingdom. Express English College has a strict ‘No Smoking’ policy. This is to foster an atmosphere of safety, health, and wellness.
8. Drugs & Alcohol
It is illegal to buy alcohol under the age of 18 years and/ or drink it in public. It is illegal
to buy alcohol for someone else who is under 18 years.
It is illegal to buy, consume or supply controlled drugs.
Express English College operates a strict zero-tolerance approach to drugs and alcohol misuse.
As well as fulfilling our compliance with all UK laws, we also feel that the use of alcohol and/or drugs on, or around the premises, of the college is wholly inappropriate in the light of our goal of creating a healthy, happy, inclusive, and safe educational environment. If you have any concerns about drugs or alcohol, please speak to the Welfare Manager.
• Risk assessments are conducted every six months, to assess our health and safety procedures, equipment, clarity of signage, and similar.
• The Operations Manager will investigate accidents and work-related illness/absence, reporting to the Principal when appropriate.
• Evacuation routes are checked for ease of use regularly, and at least once a month.
• Fire extinguishers are checked every 12 months.
• Alarms are tested regularly, and at least once a month.
• Emergency evacuation equipment and procedures (fire drill) are tested at least every 6 months (Next is June 2024). Any cause for concern will be addressed immediately at an emergency team meeting (Ayub, Edward, Tracy, Gabi) and risk assessments or other relevant items will be updated, renewed, etc, at the earliest opportunity, and as a matter of high priority.
Appendix 1: Assembly Point Map (Car Park)
Appendix 2: First Aid Bags (Academic Management room, First floor and Reception Area)
Appendix 3: Fire Extinguisher (Entrance, First floor and Second Floor)
Review: Reviewed December 2023 (AA/EC). This document to be reviewed by the Management Team not less than every six months. Next review due June 2024. It will also be subject to any changes based on UK law.