Attendance Policy

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Attendance Policy


Express English College expects all students to attend all their lessons and arrive at class on time. Students are expected to remain in class for the full allocated time and should not leave the class without having a prearranged or compelling reason. A register will be taken at the start of each class. All unauthorized absences will be followed up.

This policy is based around students attending classes at EEC’s premises.


• To ensure that students understand the importance of attending their lessons regularly

• To understand the reasons behind students’ absences

• To ensure student safety, especially for students under 18 years old.

Why is it always important to attend?

  1. Regular Attendance: All students must attend classes regularly. This ensures continuous language learning and academic success.
  2. Punctuality: Students are expected to be on time for all classes. Being punctual is essential for full participation and respect for both teachers and fellow students.
  3. Cultural and Social Integration: Regular attendance promotes cultural understanding and social interactions among students from diverse backgrounds.
  4. Safety and Welfare for Minors: For students under 18, consistent attendance is crucial for their safety and well-being. It allows the school to provide a secure learning environment and support their overall welfare.
  5. Discipline and Responsibility: Adhering to the attendance policy teaches discipline and responsibility, important values for personal and academic growth.

Our rules

The minimum attendance level accepted by the college is 80%. If a student’s attendance is below 80%, they will not get an attendance certificate.

For sponsored students, your sponsor will be notified about your attendance on your monthly report. If you are absent without authorization for three consecutive days, we will immediately inform your sponsor.

In certain situations, students will be given special permission to be absent. These situations are as follows:

• You are ill (you will need to show us a doctor’s appointment slip or hospital appointment letter if your illness continues for more than 5 days).

• You need to be absent for compassionate reasons, for example, the illness of a family member

• You must attend an important appointment, such as visiting your embassy, or registering at the police station. We will need to see your appointment letter. You should make all other appointments, such as visiting the bank or viewing accommodation, outside of class times.

• You need to/want to take one day off in a month for a cultural or religious festival. The college is closed for the Eid and Christmas festivals.

• You need to attend a family wedding or funeral.

Where we ask you to show us evidence of your reason for absence, such as a doctor’s letter or appointment card, you can show this to your teacher or to the member of staff at reception.

The college understands that, sometimes, students or their families can be ill or affected by exceptional circumstances. Therefore, we will always help and support you in these situations, or in any other kind of personal or family crisis, that affects attendance or studies.


• Students’ attendance and punctuality is recorded by the teacher in every lesson. The teacher also makes a record of any student who leaves class for any reason before the normal class ending time. Completion of registers is checked daily by the Academic Management team.

• Students returning to school after a period of illness will be asked to attend a ‘Back to School’ meeting with the Welfare Officer/Academic Manager to ensure that the student is fully supported in their return.

• As part of the college’s safeguarding responsibilities, immediate action will be taken to contact any student under 18 who is absent without authority after 15 minutes of class time. The class teacher should notify reception or any member of the management team who will take immediate action.

• Continuing efforts will be made to contact under-18-year-olds who are absent from class. Action taken is recorded by the Welfare Officer/Designated Safeguarding Lead.

• Where possible the Assistant Academic Manager or Academic Manager contacts all other absent students later in the day, to check on their health and well-being, and to confirm attendance for the following day.

• Registers are checked by the Administration Officer/ Academic Manager/Assistant Academic Manager and continued absences are noted.

Disciplinary Action for Continued Unauthorized Absence

1. The student receives a verbal warning from their teacher. 2. If the pattern of absence continues, the student receives the first warning letter. 3. A meeting with the Academic Manager follows the first warning letter. 4. In the light of continued absence, the student receives a second warning letter. This is followed by another meeting with the Academic Manager. 5. The student will receive a final warning letter if this continues confirming that any more absences will result in expulsion. 6. In the event of further unauthorized absences the student is expelled. 7. The student should leave the school the same week that they receive the dismissal letter. 8. An expelled student will not receive any refund of their paid college fees after the date of expulsion.


1. Punctuality is essential for your progress and for the respect of fellow students and teaching staff. A lack of punctuality affects your progress and disrupts the class.

2. Students more than 15 minutes late for the first class of the day will be asked to wait in the common area (under supervision, if under 18) until the following session begins. Students more than 10 mins late for the subsequent classes will not be allowed to attend those classes (wait in the common area – under supervision if under 18).

3- As part of our school policy, three instances of lateness will be considered equivalent to one full absence. This rule is designed to encourage punctuality and ensure that students make the most of their learning opportunities.

4. You will be asked to attend a meeting with the Academic Manager if your punctuality is a continual issue to discuss the reasons for this and to see how we can help you improve.

Review: Reviewed December 2023 (EC)

This document to be reviewed by the management team not less than every six months. Next review due June 2024. It may also be subject to any changes based on UK law.